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George Darbyshire

George Darbyshire is 23 year old originally from North London. He studied his undergraduate degree in (BA Hons) Design for Industry, at Northumbria University in Newcastle. Following this he took a year out to travel around Vietnam and Australia, while improving his portfolio and working as a UX Designer. Following his travels, he decided to do a masters in UX Design, selecting University of Arts London – London College of Communications – as his university of choice ahead of the RCA. He is very passionate about music, food, football (Arsenal FC), climbing, surfing, design and travelling — he also has a dog called Chewbacca.



Food production and transportation is the second largest polluter of our planet behind the oil industry. In addition, 7.1 million tonnes of food waste is generated each year by UK households. Is there a way we can progressively reduce this and create a behaviour change in our society? After researching food systems and conducting primary research, we decided to propose a system of shopping for seasonal foods and a way to carbon offset the produce we purchase that has a negative impact on the environment.
Food production and transportation is the second largest polluter of our planet behind the oil industry. In addition, 7.1 million tonnes of food waste is generated each year by UK households. Is there a way we can progressively reduce this and create a behaviour change in our society? After researching food systems and conducting primary research, we decided to propose a system of shopping for seasonal foods and a way to carbon offset the produce we purchase that has a negative impact on the environment.

MA User Experience Design

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