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Timmy Maiello

Timmy graduated in graphic design in Naples, Italy, in 2017, specialising in digital colouring and UI/UX. He then decided to pursue further studies in the User Experience field at LCC, where he put his design knowledge into use and improved his communication and project-managing skills. Very passionate about video games, music and dogs, he is a strict believer of design as a world-changing subject, rather than mere embellishment. Every design he creates is put under the microscope until every detail is in the right place. He cannot wait to dive even deeper into the UX world and be as experimental and creative as possible.


Combining aspects of art and design from many fields such as illustration, architecture, literature and cinema, video games are a multi-disciplinary medium like no other. They are endlessly fascinating and complex and possess a degree of interactivity which other media do not have; they are the perfect representation of an experience. Only lately, with the appearance of even easier tools and platforms, a door of new voices, ideas and players has been opened. As a designer, my goal is to challenge the very understanding and definition of the medium and give it the spot it deserves by using the methodology learned so far to develop a mature, sensitive and story-driven video game, while depriving it of the rules that society has set for it.
Combining aspects of art and design from many fields such as illustration, architecture, literature and cinema, video games are a multi-disciplinary medium like no other. They are endlessly fascinating and complex and possess a degree of interactivity which other media do not have; they are the perfect representation of an experience. Only lately, with the appearance of even easier tools and platforms, a door of new voices, ideas and players has been opened. As a designer, my goal is to challenge the very understanding and definition of the medium and give it the spot it deserves by using the methodology learned so far to develop a mature, sensitive and story-driven video game, while depriving it of the rules that society has set for it.

MA User Experience Design

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