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Patrick Bull

Patrick has been working in the creative industry for the 8+ years in photography, graphic design and experience design developing his understanding of people, design theory and experiences through these converging disciplines. He has realised his passion lies in technology design and the relationship between people and their ability to work together to create tangible and astonishing new realities with design. Currently exploring his Masters to better understand himself as a designer. Feeling to become a truly great designer he must always keep learning and pushing himself, developing his skills in ideation, research and technical design to an advanced degree.



The Memory Garden looks at memories and what aids people in recollecting them with the use of plants and gardens as a mechanism to analyse this concept. The exploration of memories and the ways in which people process and categorise them is shown in the participatory design of these memory gardens. The gardens are brought to life through means of 3D visualisations on screen and physical modelling to accompany the body of research. Participants can interact with the visualisations to better understand the significance of memories shared as well as being able to create and contribute their own depictions for their memory gardens.
The Memory Garden looks at memories and what aids people in recollecting them with the use of plants and gardens as a mechanism to analyse this concept. The exploration of memories and the ways in which people process and categorise them is shown in the participatory design of these memory gardens. The gardens are brought to life through means of 3D visualisations on screen and physical modelling to accompany the body of research. Participants can interact with the visualisations to better understand the significance of memories shared as well as being able to create and contribute their own depictions for their memory gardens.

MA User Experience Design

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