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Luchen Peng

Luchen Peng is a multidisciplinary designer from Chengdu, China. She loves everything that needed creativity and enjoys unique experiences from everything. After finishing her bachelor’s degree in Adverting, she went to UAL to further study user experience design. With a growing understanding of what UX is, she started to think about how does she live from an UX designer's perspective, and continue to participate in this huge society system with inclusive and critical mindsets.

Objects of Oppression

Artificial intelligence is increasingly involved in various sectors like health, finance and employment. While the industry seeks rapid economic growth through this technology, much research shows the hidden bias in algorithm and data training. The inconsiderate misuse of AI may exclude the poor or marginalised and deepen the existing prejudice. This project explores a participatory approach to materialise the data bias. Data scientists, designers, and people encountering AI join our co-design workshops and collaborate to build objects that inspire debate and inquiry. In the outcome, we present a speculative commercial stand with a series of “critical artefacts” as an interactive experience to propose collective social reflections.  
Artificial intelligence is increasingly involved in various sectors like health, finance and employment. While the industry seeks rapid economic growth through this technology, much research shows the hidden bias in algorithm and data training. The inconsiderate misuse of AI may exclude the poor or marginalised and deepen the existing prejudice. This project explores a participatory approach to materialise the data bias. Data scientists, designers, and people encountering AI join our co-design workshops and collaborate to build objects that inspire debate and inquiry. In the outcome, we present a speculative commercial stand with a series of “critical artefacts” as an interactive experience to propose collective social reflections.  

MA User Experience Design

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