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Kimberly Rodrigues

Cost of Living: Our Digital Liberties

This speculative project aims to question the balance between the cost of living and the cost of privacy and freedom within our own homes.It comprises a real-scale installation of a living room populated with diegetic prototypes of smart gadgets that collect private data to deliver hyper-personalised ads in unconventional ways. In a data-obsessed world, Dome enables users to inhabit their apartments at no monetary cost, but in exchange for their attention and data. By combining the finest designs in household products and sleek interface designs for ad display, Dome facilitates the following: - Companies to target ads in an entirely new environment. - People to be less preoccupied with the cost of living. - Third parties to gather invaluable data from a potentially large segment.
This speculative project aims to question the balance between the cost of living and the cost of privacy and freedom within our own homes.It comprises a real-scale installation of a living room populated with diegetic prototypes of smart gadgets that collect private data to deliver hyper-personalised ads in unconventional ways. In a data-obsessed world, Dome enables users to inhabit their apartments at no monetary cost, but in exchange for their attention and data. By combining the finest designs in household products and sleek interface designs for ad display, Dome facilitates the following: - Companies to target ads in an entirely new environment. - People to be less preoccupied with the cost of living. - Third parties to gather invaluable data from a potentially large segment.

MA User Experience Design

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