Well-Being Through Creativity

“Well-being through Creativity” is a creative and mindful experience for people with emotions of anxiety which would allow them to control and minimise their symptoms. By fostering a sense of community and equipping people with imagination-based coping mechanisms, allowing people to manage and reduce these negative emotions. The process behind the design workshops enables people to share and express themselves through guidance and visual design. Using creativity to express imagination by drawing inspiration from observation, engaging in activities, and allowing ourselves to “play” can help process and control anxiety.
“Well-being through Creativity” is a creative and mindful experience for people with emotions of anxiety which would allow them to control and minimise their symptoms. By fostering a sense of community and equipping people with imagination-based coping mechanisms, allowing people to manage and reduce these negative emotions. The process behind the design workshops enables people to share and express themselves through guidance and visual design. Using creativity to express imagination by drawing inspiration from observation, engaging in activities, and allowing ourselves to “play” can help process and control anxiety.