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Huiije Xiong (Rickie)

Huijie Xiong is a UX designer with a background in computer science. During her bachelor study at Hunan University, she worked as a UX intern at a game company where she developed a strong interest in the relationship between game and user experience design.This led her to pursue a master degree in UX design where she developed her critical thinking ,logical thinking and problem solving skills. She believes that love is the driving force of everything, so she still insists on her love of game design. She is interested in Metaverse now and looking forward to see and explore how it will have impact on the user experience of game.


Although cities are full of people, loneliness is a growing concern. In our over-connected society, it is quite ironical to observe that we have never felt so alone (2016). With the expansion of capitalist social relations from factories and other traditional production sites, human alienation has intensified. The highly socialized working environment has become a major cause of urban loneliness. This project is mainly to restore the behavior of human beings in the industrial period through the behavior of knocking nails. I hope that in the process of experiencing these installations, people can rethink and position their self-worth and get rid of the urban loneliness caused by This project is mainly to restore the behavior of human beings in the industrial period through the behavior of knocking nails. I hope that in the process of experiencing these devices, the experiencers can rethink and position their self-worth and get rid of the urban loneliness caused by over-socialization.
Although cities are full of people, loneliness is a growing concern. In our over-connected society, it is quite ironical to observe that we have never felt so alone (2016). With the expansion of capitalist social relations from factories and other traditional production sites, human alienation has intensified. The highly socialized working environment has become a major cause of urban loneliness. This project is mainly to restore the behavior of human beings in the industrial period through the behavior of knocking nails. I hope that in the process of experiencing these installations, people can rethink and position their self-worth and get rid of the urban loneliness caused by This project is mainly to restore the behavior of human beings in the industrial period through the behavior of knocking nails. I hope that in the process of experiencing these devices, the experiencers can rethink and position their self-worth and get rid of the urban loneliness caused by over-socialization.

MA User Experience Design

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