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Eric Dodd

Eric Dodd is a multi-disciplinary User Experience Designer based in Oxfordshire. Although having many passions in the field of design, he particularly thrives in incorporating speculative design as a way of challenging our notions of what the future could and should look like. As such, he enjoys translating such concepts into multimodal experiences which participants can connect with at a tangible level. Eric’s professional and educational attainments, have enabled him to work in a wide spectrum of projects with a diverse range of teams, allowing him to strengthen his technical and practical skills as well as enriching himself culturally.


Vision is a critique of present and potential future societies in which personal HUDs (head up displays) can or have become the norm. I have employed principles and methods of speculative design, design fiction, and storytelling to create two short, critical films, each highlighting a possibly vulnerable aspect of our relationship with HUDs and augmented reality. Human Touch confronts society’s co-dependency with the digital world and social media validation, while also highlighting AR as a likely culprit for further deterioration in our lack of real human contact and interactions. Ad-Blast envisions technology companies, and their designers, exploiting our digital needs and rights to privacy in order to maximise profits, without considering the potentially catastrophic wider impact of their selfish decision-making. The aim of the project is to drive meaningful discussions among companies and designers who may develop similar products, to question their priorities when decision-making, and to consider the rippling consequences which may occur as a result of their actions/inactions.  
Vision is a critique of present and potential future societies in which personal HUDs (head up displays) can or have become the norm. I have employed principles and methods of speculative design, design fiction, and storytelling to create two short, critical films, each highlighting a possibly vulnerable aspect of our relationship with HUDs and augmented reality. Human Touch confronts society’s co-dependency with the digital world and social media validation, while also highlighting AR as a likely culprit for further deterioration in our lack of real human contact and interactions. Ad-Blast envisions technology companies, and their designers, exploiting our digital needs and rights to privacy in order to maximise profits, without considering the potentially catastrophic wider impact of their selfish decision-making. The aim of the project is to drive meaningful discussions among companies and designers who may develop similar products, to question their priorities when decision-making, and to consider the rippling consequences which may occur as a result of their actions/inactions.  

MA User Experience Design

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