London Breadcrumb Project

The London Breadcrumb Project is an urban navigation tool that recentres personal and community heritage in contemporary cities. Oral histories of long-term residents are transformed into soundscapes in combination with archival sound footage, while newcomers are provided a 'compass' that leads them blindly towards these designated locations. Inspired by community storymapping experiences such as Queering the Map and [murmur], the London Breadcrumb Project unflattens the emotional landscape of present-day cities and encourages a psychogeographical exploration of unfamiliar urban environments.
The London Breadcrumb Project is an urban navigation tool that recentres personal and community heritage in contemporary cities. Oral histories of long-term residents are transformed into soundscapes in combination with archival sound footage, while newcomers are provided a 'compass' that leads them blindly towards these designated locations. Inspired by community storymapping experiences such as Queering the Map and [murmur], the London Breadcrumb Project unflattens the emotional landscape of present-day cities and encourages a psychogeographical exploration of unfamiliar urban environments.