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Alexandra Agarwal

Alexandra has a background in industrial and product design, studying at IED in Milan where she was awarded a BA. She worked for three years in a sculptural fabrication workshop before turning to user experience design. She is a natural researcher with a focus on human behaviour and attitudes. Her design work is informed by detailed attention to how cultures are created and how they can be shared and understood. She is motivated by design work that reaches across disciplines and is currently pursuing an interest in urban mobility, and the growth and planning of cities. She values collaborative practice and often takes a system led view of her work.

Identity Through Materialty

Identity artifacts allow designers to see and understand attitudes and identities through the relevance of objects from the participants point of view, and inspire design themes and insights.
Identity artifacts allow designers to see and understand attitudes and identities through the relevance of objects from the participants point of view, and inspire design themes and insights.

MA User Experience Design

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