Research Methods

Research methods are the techniques we use to gather information that are used subsequently to inform design work. As a relatively new design discipline UX shows a paradoxical attitude to research methods. On one hand UX is methodologically insecure and finds reassurance in emphasising the validity of methods by which insight is gathered. On the other there is a tendency for UX designers to rely on a very limited suite of methods and to assume that they will be consistently valid across multiple contexts and situations. On MA:UX we prioritise methodological diversity and experimental methods emphasising that we are more often aiming for theoretical generalisability than statistical generalisability. Design also borrows research methods from parallel domains such as ethnography and art. Maintaining sufficient flexibility to integrate multiple methods and being alive to their limitations is a key aspect of using research methods in design. In UX design research is sometimes seen as a separate discipline and practitioners will be expected to master qualitative and quantitative methods.

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